I hope this explanation of the function of the rooms will make the floor plan easier to follow -until you become familiar with Eastwing...
For a quick easy list of rooms/contents try the index
The homepage is Eastwing Reception which shows the floor plan mainly and at the moment also displays awards the site has won.
There are two small rooms which come off of this ...one is for POETRY and the other a Feedback form if you want to let me know things you liked or disliked about the site etc.
For first time visitors with no experience of miscarriage;Welcome and thank you for visiting.I urge you to please start with ROOM 1!
Also please take a look at ROOM 2which considers how the parents are feeling..
If you have had a miscarriage and are looking for specific help/information ..
Firstly i am sorry for your loss, you could try ROOM 3 which suggests a few things to do which help with the grieving process.
If you are feeling things are hard to cope with..maybe ROOM 5 which lets you know you are not alone with your emotions and sometimes extreme feelings after a loss.
Naturally there is always the question 'Why?'.Often this simply cannot be answered but in ROOM 6 there are listed some causes of miscarriage.
ROOM 7and ROOM 9
are 'public' memorial rooms where parents have left touching tributes to their own babies.You can view these and if you wish to leave one of your own ..go to
ROOM 8to submit a memorial using the blank form there.
ROOM 10 is my personal tribute to our 'Sweetpea',story and memorial.
ROOM 11 is the links library - listing helpful links to other memorial sites and miscarriage help information resources.
ROOM 12 Is a special link page for people who kindly use my banner and link to 'East wing..to display their banner ( or have their site listed) Your site does not have to deal with miscarriage related topics to be listed here.
First there are a couple of 'afterthought' rooms off the stairs...one obviously is this floor plan explanation
the other is a note from me on the purpose of this website.
ROOM 1(second floor) is fun - find an email pal! there are many listed - or add your details to the page - also join the email support group if you like and help others to get through their loss.
In ROOM 2 You can light a candle for a lost baby! These candles can be viewed in
ROOM 4 (and ROOM 6 holds Sweetpeas candles).
ROOM 3 has a message board....dont be shy this is a great way to make friends :-)
ROOM 5 ANd ROOM 7 are For the Eastwing newsletter ( if you would like to be informed of the regular updates to this site!) and my Guest book - feel free to read it or make my day and leave a message!!!!
In ROOM 8 you can apply for the Eastwing Loving heart award - which is given in recognition of websites which offer help/support to others. There is also Sweetpeas Angel-baby award for those who have a memorial site for their lost little one.
ROOM 9 Lists support groups available - including the quickly growing 'Eastwingchat' . Listed under Room 9 ( but actually separate) are the new
clubrooms (SEE THE ANNEX BELOW FOR DETAILS!) for the email support group members and finally a Chat Room. (I wanted to add a simple chatroom to be used at anytime by epals, email group,message board friends, whoever wants to use it. This proved harder than i thought the one I had needed me to be in it!!!! So instead i have linked to my Yahoo club which includes a chatroom. Once you are a Member (very easy) you can use the facility included there at any time.
In the eastwing annex I have placed the Club pages etc.Anyone is welcome to look around and i hope you will join us!
The Clubrooms Homepage explains the facilities available then there is a
meet the support group members page and a butterfly memory page where members have their baby remembered. There is a link to the
Chatroom which is also a yahoo club "Women Worldwide Online" and also offers other benefits such as message posting, photo albums and so on - please join up and enjoy the benefits!
A message board... and
Finally an extra links page where club members can list their favourite urls, homepages etc.