Ive collected on this page a few interactive support and information resources
which i hope will be of help and interest to you.
I have decided to start a newsletter which will inform of changes/updates to eastwing and also any interesting info,poems and so on - whatever comes up -
joining is simple; Please join or i'll be sending it to myself :-)
(Note this is for info only - for an interactive email group or epals click here!)
Email Group
Another new thing i'm trying to get going is an email support group - if youve never been on an email list before give this a go. Its a great way to 'chat' with very little effort -group members send their mail which goes to each group member -any of whom can then join in the discussion.
You can just lurk and read if you feel shy ;-)
And finally my guestbook,please take a few moments to add something, i love to know youve been here! Sign My GuestbookView My Guestbook
Eastwing Message Board
Welcome to The Eastwing message board. Feel free to introduce a topic or reply to others
and we now have a message board! Please take advantage of this to raise issues of importance to you,find friends, talk about your angel,ask for help..whatever you like.
btw you can bookmark it once it is open so you can access it direct!
The board is not actually on my pages -but will 'pop-up' when you click 'message board'