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I am part of several email groups myself for various subjects and thought it would be nice to provide one for visitors to this website.
Therefore I have started the Eastwing newsletter and the Eastwingchat email group.
You can join these here...
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• Eastwing
'Eastwing' is a website created as a support and information resource for those who have lost a child through miscarriage. It includes memorials, light a candle,epals and others experiences.There are also important sections which are also intended for the friends and relatives of the victims "what to say, what not to say ,what to do - what helps..This newsletter will inform of updates and additions to the site,others input,poetry and so on
Karen is natural, warm and caring.she runs the following two is a note from her..
"if any one at your web site needs to
talk they are more then welcome to join and post I come on my computer a lot
during the day so I will be glad to listen if any one needs to talk God bless
you in all you do Karen "
• MommysAngels
Hi my name is Karen and I lost my son Jason 5 years ago. I know what it feels like to have a angel cause I carried one for 2 and half months and I started this group for everyone all over the world so you know that you are not alone that there will always be some one there to talk to.I also want to say that if your reading this then you must of lost a child and Im so sorry that you had to go throw that.May God bless you in all you do.
Hi my name is Karen I live in Chicago,Ill.I have 2 kids one boy(7)and one girl(5)and I lost a child that was a boy 5 years ago.I'm a stay at home mom I love to be here for them when they come home from school.Thank you and may God bless you in all you do
• OurLilAngels
This is a nice little group - im a member of this one...It is very well run by Kyra,a dedicated friendly supportive lady. There is a club page and currently a website with memorial pages is being constructed.Also regular chats and friendly supportive members :-)
If you are a member of the Yahoo club we can email each other back and forth
• angelsabove
Lorraine runs a lovely
website in addition to this email group. There are a choice of memorials,bereaved parents wish list and pregnant again..well worth a look :-)
Angels Above is a support group in Sicily Italy for the military members in the area who have suffered a loss, either by misscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.
• aussie-angels
all invited!Annette was webmaster for SANDS (vic) from 1994-1998 the first page on the web for miscarriage stillbirth and neonatal death support, she is a lovely supportive lady and is currently working on a website for this group
A group for Australian parents who have suffered the loss of a baby(ies) or a child(ren).
Kim is the lovely lady who runs the following two groups - she is trying to cater to a particular group and so I have added an extra explantory note from her - after her groups listings are additional URLs for the associated sites)
" My egroups are all Christian groups. I am looking for believers to be
on my site, not because I am being discriminating,......I wish to
be able to quote scripture, pray with the families and be free to speak
openly about the Lord........By the way, we are of different denominations
on the group, when we talk about the Lord we talk scripture and not
legalism. I wont allow 'flaming' on the group emails.the families need to
be protected somewhere in their
lives, it will be safe on my list."
• babyangelsinheaven
This is a Christian support group for parents of infant loss, due to miscarraige, still birth, SIDS (cot death) and other infant deaths. We are hear to help you through the grieving process and to offer up as much information as we can to help you. I am a mother who has endured the loss of 10 babies, I know what your journey will be, and I hope to show you that there is Joy at the end of the journey. Hug's Kim
• infantloss
This is a place where you can talk, ask questions and have others listen and answer your questions. You can have someone to hold your hand in loving care through this difficult time. We might not have all the answers, but we do have compassion as we have our losses aswell. ICL&Hug's, Kim
Visit our web site
Visit our Sad Mummies Prayer Group
Our Infant Loss Support Group Web Pages address
Letters to heaven:
Precious Moments & Thoughts:
• Eastwingchat
Obviously this one is mine ;-) Designed as a support group for visitors to Eastwing ....if you have suffered the loss of a baby by whatever means please join us...If the pain the the sharp stab of fresh grief or the dull ache of old pain I hope this group will prove to be warm supportive and helpful,
also now that i have started making graphics I plan to start a new memorial section for members of this group with the opportunity for each member to have a specially designed personal memorial page..
Love and Hugs Angie
This group is intended for parents who have lost a child through miscarriage to chat freely about their thoughts, feelings and problems it is intended as a support,friendship forum.However others wanting info on how to help a friend or family member are welcome to participate in order to obtain information
• hannahs
There are other support resources associated with this group..for example
and newletter and several others as noted below..
Hannah's Prayer is a Christian support network for couples facing "fertility challenges" including infertility or the death of a baby at any time from conception through early infancy (ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, etc.).
Our group is based on the concept that every man or woman facing fertility challenges is a "modern day Hannah" in ... more
• Heavens_gate
This is another terrific example of what can be achieved by the hard working dedicated people out there...Tonya runs this email group and the awesome "Abundance of the heart" website
for couples who choose to continue their pregnancy despite prenatal diagnosis ..and Nathaniels Play yard a memorial for her son and his twin and also for free memorial websites for those who have lost a child.
Come in and talk about your angel at Heaven's Gate. We know that when you lose someone it helps to have a lot of support. We are here for that reason. You can ask any questions, meet people that have been through what you are going through and help you through this hard time. Please visit our homepage at:
• InHerArms
Perchta runs this excellant pagan group and i can recommend it happily. You will be made most welcome and can freely express your pain and receive excellant support...
This list is for pagans who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or in early infancy. Though our arms ache for our lost ones, we know that they are safe in the Goddess's arms (hence the name of the list). Here, hopefully we can share our pain, our hopes & fears, and heal together. Blessed be.
• Jamesfriends
This is a great group - very active and supportive with this attractive website where you can have your own angel mentioned
The group is run by Paula - friendly fun and understanding...
I lost my son to stillbirth six years ago,I feel it is important for parents to have others to talk to and support each other.I hope you find support and comfort here
• LifeAfterLoss
A group for parents who have endured the loss of an infant, regardless of the circumstances, and then gone on with their life. It's been 3 years since my son died, and while it has gotten easier, I still find moments of pain. How you do deal with the day-to day struggles when everyone around you seems to have forgotten your child. The pain is always there, hidden in your heart, we just find a way to maintain a somewhat normal life. This is a group for those who have moved through the early ... more
• liw_late_losses
Its a
difficult experience to say it lightly and we all need eachother for support
and encouragement.
This group is for members of Ladies in Waiting Christian infertility support group who have suffered a late pregnancy loss (after 20 weeks gestation, still birth, and/or loss in early infancy.)
You wont be sorry if you turn to Janice for support - one of those wonderful people who seem to find the right things to say -supportive and understanding...
This is a discussion list for anyone who has suffered the pain and anguish of a miscarried pregnancy. A place where you can openly share your feelings with others who have been through the same experience, and who know what you are going through and how to help you get through a difficult, emotional time. No matter how much support from friends and family you may have, it always helps to discuss your feelings with people who have been through the same trauma, and who can share their tips on how ... more
• Military_Angel_Babies
This is a nice active friendly group for those who are involved with the military...Amy will make you feel most welcome and wants to stress that the group is open to ANY kind of pg loss. Two of the members
(and another who has come and gone) have had miscarriages, one has had a
stillborn baby, and has had ectopic pregnancies Despite the fact that
these babies were lost under different circumstances, they still fit the
description of "angel babies" and they are very much missed and loved.
This group is designed for anyone associated with the military (active duty, reserve, dependent, etc...) who has been faced with any form of pregnancy loss. It is open to anyone at any stage, from recovering to trying again, even if you're pregnant again. There may be mention of IVF, IUI, Clomid, or other injectable medications. This is intended to be a friendly group. Your beliefs are welcome, but please respect the beliefs of others as well. I hope to see you there!!
• MothersofMiscarriage
Stacey started this group..and i think we can all relate to her comment..
There are many individuals in this world that will try to minimize
what you are feeling. That is the main reason that I developed this
Mother's of Miscarriage is an online support resource for those of us who have experienced miscarriage. Please do not feel that this resource is strictly for loss by miscarriage, because it is open to all mothers who have experienced perinatal loss. I have one two year old son and am a newly bereaved Mother. This resource is designed by me, for me and in support of all the Mother's who share in this suffering.
• pal-parents
Parenting after Loss is for familes who are parenting a live child and who have experienced one or more losses of a infant/child through miscarriage, still birth, complications of prematurity or for any other cause. Group Moderator: To subscribe, send a message to or go to this e-group's home page at Please send a biography to Your biography should indicate name, ... more
• PrematureBabyLoss
Hi! My name is Nicolette and I have started this list to provide support for those who have had babies angels too early and have lost them due to complications of prematurity. This list is however not just limited to this topic only... If you have lost a child to a neonatal death or still birth you are welcome here. Any age welcome... Young Mommies or older mommies.
• stillgrieving2
This group is so popular this is actually the second one - group 1 is 'full'!!
An unbelievably supportive and VERY active group -
Still Grieving is simply amazing.You will be made to feel very welcome and comfortable and there are beautiful websites associated with this club. Theresa who runs it does a terrific job and also makes beautiful graphics!Below is a special note from her...I highly recommend this one- but be warned there is lots of mail!!
As a member you can have your angel-baby added to the memorial pages.
Brie Godinez created this absolutely stunning page for Sweetpea -
please take a look!)
" Hello my name is Theresa and I made this group to provide support to parents
when everyone else thinks we should be "over" it. Grief furthur down the
road is different then early grief and I felt a group for those of us
furthur down the track was needed. We aren't trying to be exclusive but
membership is limited to parents 6 months and over from their child's death.
If you need support or have good advice to offer please join. Word of
caution this group can be lots of email !!!
Support group for parents six months on or over after baby's death. The aim is to support each other when everyone else thinks we should be over it.
Still Grieving (Homepage of the original group)
• Ukectopicsupport
I have recently suffered an ectopic pregnancy and wanted to help supprt others in the same situation as me. This group will also support other types of pregnancy loss such as miscarriage or stillbirth.
• WantingAMiracle
A group for women who are trying to concieve a baby after suffering from repeat miscarriage and/or infertility. I myself have had 4 miscarriages in 23 cycles of TTC. Discussions are open to diagnosis, medications, treatments, IUI, IVF, handling the loss and moving on. Here we will share the fears of TTC after miscarrage, the tests we all undergo, medications we are on, steps we are going to take and the joys of acheiving pregnancy. Welcome. keywords: conception, trying to concieve, baby, babies, ... more
• wif-miscarriage
Robin is doing a great job with this group - she is caring and has lots of great ideas for helping others through their grief..
This is a good one if you are looking for a more personal intimate group with one-to one support
Welcome to Waiting In Faith-Miscarriage Group This group is for members of Waiting In Faith (WIF) who have experienced a miscarriage, failed adoption, or other similar type of loss. In order to join this group, you must meet the joining criteria for Waiting In Faith-Miscarriage which is: 1) you must be married 2) you must be going through infertility (either primary or secondary infertility) 3) you must have experienced a miscarriage or similar type of loss. 4) you must have faith in God The ... more