"We were so happy to find out I was expecting again!
Your Big Brother Grant phoned the family when the pregnancy test came out positive. I got on progesterone right away because I lost my first pregnancy to miscarriage on Dec. 23, 1995.
Something didn't feel right on June 7, 2000 and the spotting soon started. An emergency ultrasound that night showed a viable embryo at 8.5 weeks. Daddy and Allie were so lucky to see your little heart beating!
I was too busy crying from relief that I didn't look at you on the screen.
The doctor said not to worry, so I was hopeful you were alright. The bad news came the following Monday...I had lost you. We were heartbroken.
I have a hole in my heart that can never be replaced and I cry for you every day. I know you are safe in Heaven with Heavenly Father and I cannot wait for the day that I will join you and hold you in my arms for the first time.
Grant wants to "drive up to Heaven" and take you back home...he took your loss so hard.
I love you little one. And as I say to your brother and sister every night with a kiss,
Good night angel, sweet dreams,
Mommy loves you!
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