Share Your Story

(It can be as long or short as you are comfortable with...feel free to include your thoughts,feelings and emotions as these are what other grieving parents will relate too... The story can include (if you wish)..the story of your pregnancy, family background, the miscarriage, things people did and said which helped..things that hurt, how the medical profession treated you, how you coped, memorial ideas you have used,etc...not only is it very theraputic to tell the story it helps others to read it too! )

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I am seeking help with my latest project... there is no support in our area post miscarriage ( i found that out!) and i am working towards providing it... To begin with i want to have a free'support package' to be given to parents going through a miscarriage..
I am currently compiling a support booklet which includes stories from women who have suffered a miscarriage or stillbirth. These 'real-life' accounts help others going through the same thing to know they are not alone.

Would you like to help by having your story includeed in a support booklet to be provided free of charge to those going through miscarriage?
Yes No

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should this happen,please use the email link below.You must then
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