New Moon

- i thought id post the new moon ritual/spellwork I did this week..
We have a lot of issues this New Moon - New beginnings are high on the agenda as I go back to uni for another year -
the house we are in may be sold and DH's job is finishing due to the farm he works on being sold!
Not to mention the fact that we need a improvement in our financial position!
so i did a fairly involved ritual to try and take advantage of the energies available now :-)

New moon
----- Feb 12th 2002
Red Candle
Large white candle
Green, Yellow and Pink candles
Fancy bottle
Rose petals
Gold pen
Small Pots
Potting mix
seeds of the 'money plant'
A nest ( found fallen from a tree)
Agate crystals (good luck, good fortune)
This was actually done in three parts due to lack of time.
(one part - potting second part - nest plus witches bottle third part blue candle meditation)
But could be all done in one ritual and is written as such here.
After casting a simple circle , lighting deity candle and asking Artemis to be with us I wrote the following on parchment using a gold pen;

" Artemis, I call on you,
to bring about beginnings new
Growing like the fresh new moon,
Bring us glad and Bounteous boon.
May Prosperity grow like these seeds of money
We deserve to live in land of milk and honey
Artemis, great,powerful and true,
these new beginnings I ask of you
Money to pay our bills on time
All I need will now be mine
Lift us out of debt forever
Successful be our each endevour
May my studies fruitful be
but not keep me from family
Bring us to a brand new home
Blessed on rich fertile loam
Where we will live happily
together as a family
A home, prosperity and love
Bring us blessings from above
May we ever worthy be
of true blessing for our family
Please bring us health
and bounteous wealth
always worlds of love
sweet blessings from above
and may it harm none
so mote it be!
I recited the entire thing then moved to separate ritual parts;
As I lit the coloured candles ( green - health, gold- wealth and pink- love)
"Please bring us health
and bounteous wealth
always worlds of love
sweet blessings from above"

As we put potting mix in the little pots, set them in a tray, watered them and planted one 'money' seed in each pot. As we did so we concentrated on having enough money and also on having a new home to live in.
"Growing like the fresh new moon,
Bring us glad and Bounteous boon.
May Prosperity grow like these seeds of money
We deserve to live in land of milk and honey"

Next into the little nest i dripped wax from the pink, green and gold candles, representing love , prosperity and good health in our new home together with a mix of salt and the herbs (lavendar, rosemary and rose petals) that it be free of negativity and full of peace, harmony, love, friendship and happiness. and into it I sat agate crystals , like eggs - representing good luck/good fortune.

Bring us to a brand new home
Blessed on rich fertile loam
Where we will live happily
together as a family
A home, prosperity and love
Bring us blessings from above
May we ever worthy be
of true blessing for our family

The final part involved putting cloves, rose petals, lavander and rosemary into a decorative bottle then pouring in oil, corking it and melting red wax over the cork. This sits on a shelf in my kitchen now. Representing the basic elements of the spell and sealing of the intent.

A home, prosperity and love
Bring us blessings from above
May we ever worthy be
of true blessing for our family
Please bring us health
and bounteous wealth
always worlds of love
sweet blessings from above
and may it harm none
so mote it be!
The parchment I rolled up with lavendar, rosemary and rose petals and bound with embroidery thread. I put it away in my bill box and my plan is to burn it during next full moon rite.
Then finished up, thanked Artemis, farewelled deity and elements and closed circle.
I later lit a blue candle and sat at my study area/computer - concentrating on motivation and success for the upcoming weeks of study!

Now that the moon is new
i gaze apon my candle blue
May my studies fruitful be
but not keep me from family

May i have the strength to carry on
may i study well and my work be strong
May i keep my home clean and family happy
time for writing, reading, playing AND dirty nappy!
As I begin again
ensure success and enormous gain
the drive to work and time to play
joy and success every day!

The nest now sits on a white cloth on my computer, the witches bottle in my kitchen and the tray of seeds is in the front porch. I am hoping they grow fast as my hope is for this spell to reach fruition with new home and employment by the full moon, so I hope to have some sign of the seeds (with are representing our new beginnings and prosperity) by then.